東 臺 團 隊
我們堅持將最好的創意概念、最熱誠的態度注入在每一部作品裡,從製作人、企劃、導演、編劇到美術、後製之完整製作核心人員,皆有高度的自我要求性格,播下了重視專業品質、求新求變的種子,企圖成為業界的領導品牌。 『東臺傳播』勤懇嚴謹的態度,已成功結合公部門與企業界,製作出一部部高水準的影片,更超越了一般傳播公司所能提供的服務品質,成為客戶在經營與理念傳達上最好的工作伙伴!從科學影片、電視節目為基礎,陸續投入紀錄片、廣告、簡介片、微電影、新媒體網站等多元製作,身處在地球村的時代,就長遠的計畫來看,東臺必定持續提供專業的實力,拿出最大的決心貢獻給臺灣影音事業,與國際影音市場並駕齊驅。 About us "Dong Tai Communication" was established in 2009 with the ambition of gathering the best professionals in the field under one roof to produce great films. Starting with popular science and TV programs, we diversified into documentaries, commercials, company introduction films, and TV movies. Every film produced by "Dong Tai Communication" was created by employing the best creative ideas and with the utmost passion. From the core group of self-driven producers, planners, directors, script writers and artists to the energetic marketing department, we have sown the seeds for our respect for the highest standard of service and readiness to embrace innovations and challenges We continue to strive to become the leader of the industry. "Dong Tai Communication", having produced numerous high quality films by successfully bridging governmental and private sectors, stands ready to offer a wide range of services superior to others in the industry. We are your best partner for any and all of your operational and conceptual communication needs In the long run, we are determined in our commitment to providing the best production environments and leading the Taiwan’s film industry into the international market with outstanding finished products. |
獲 獎 經 歷
【打開社會事件S檔案】與政治大學/STS學會合作, 2018年獲International 4S Making&Doing Award和勞動金像獎貳獎。更進一步在2019年榮獲第54屆電視金鐘獎自然科學紀實節目獎。
【生命旅程-Hello Brain!】是本團隊創下臺灣第一部與法國合製之腦科學影片,2012榮獲重慶電視藝術節優秀電視節目獎, 2014年進一步榮獲第49屆電視金鐘獎最佳科學節目獎及入圍音效獎。
【The Intern’s Notbook】
Finalist in the 2024 the 59th Golden Bell Award for Nature Science Documentary Category.
【Gene Revelation】
Finalist in the 2023 the 58th Golden Bell Award for Best Art Direction Award of General program.
Winner of 2022 the 57th Golden Bell Award for Nature Science Documentary Category.
Finalist in the Best Director Award of General program&Best Art Direction Award of General program.
【 Wind, Taiwan! 】
Finalist in the 2021 the 56th Golden Bell Award for Nature Science Documentary Category.
【 Open the S Files 】
Won the 2019 54th Golden Bell Awards for Natural Science Documentary Category,
Won the 2018 International 4S (Society for Social Studies Science)
“Making & Doing” Award.
Won the 2018 Taipei Labor Gold Award, 2nd Place.
【 The Life of Soil 】
Finalist in the 2018 53rd Golden Bell Awards for Natural Science Documentary Category.
【 Trailblazers - Stories from the Laboratory 】
Won the 2017 52nd Golden Bell Awards for the Natural Science Documentary Category.
【Happy Campus Program】
Finalist in 2017 the 52nd Golden Bell Awards for Humanities Documentary Category.
【Hello Brain!】
Won the 2014 49th Golden Bell Awards for Science Program Category.
服 務 項 目我們不僅透過多元化的影片製作來達到表現的目的,更以完善的服務態度來 追求東臺的存在價值。以下是各種服務項目: 科學影片 長期以來我們一直在做一個工作: 把難懂的科學知識變簡單,讓科學普及在 大眾生活裡。 東臺已接觸超過300位國內外科學家、與超過10所大學及研究單位合作、完 成至少150小時以上的科學影片,並於公共電視、民視、華視、中天、人間衛視、CINAPS TV等等頻道播出,都有很好的口碑。 電視節目 我們的成員背景大多來自於電視頻道,深諳各種節目形態的操作模式,諸如 新聞深度報導、人文行腳、綜藝娛樂、現場座談、讀書、休閒旅遊、青少年 兒童等等節目,累積了相當多的製作經驗,執行力堅強。 紀錄片 我們極度渴望挖掘人類的內在世界、對自然的生命現象更有特殊的好奇與嚮往,無論洞悉社會真相或捕捉稀奇珍貴的畫面,替觀眾的需求找到滿足、產生 精神內在的共鳴與火花,皆是我們在影片上力求表現的工作。 廣告 我們對市場訊息的嗅覺敏銳,對不同的專業懂得觀察和尊重,利用一個引爆點將主題擦出亮光的技巧,我們絕對游刃有餘,因此無論商業、形象、公益、選舉等等廣告,我們擁有的是源源不絕的創意、以及出類拔萃的專業素質。擅於溝通是我們的天職,活潑與熱忱是我們配合每一個專案影片的態度,能夠精準的替客戶傳達理念,將是我們最大的驕傲。 簡介片 替客戶的需求量身打造、創造出獨一無二的形象。高品質的影音呈現一直是我們的堅持,除此之外,我們向來擁有守信、守時、守倫理的工作操守,對於客戶的要求只問配合、不問利己的態度常常贏得信賴與認同。 電視電影 電視電影是我們企圖發展的方向,我們渴望透過文學、美術、音樂、表演、以及創造力,醞釀出動人的故事、拍出感人的影片!影片製作發展至極,莫過於能將崇高的信念透過動人的情節傳達出來,並深刻地烙印在每一位觀看者的心中、產生共鳴、進而發酵...。我們持續尋找最好的故事、拍出最感人的情節、把每一個人最深切的盼望呈現出來,這將是我們從事影音創作最終的目標。 Services Popular Science Film For a long period of time, we have dedicated ourselves in doing one thing: making difficult scientific knowledge understandable to common people, let science be part of our daily lives. We build a strong reputation in the science broadcasting community because our many years of good work, and establish an extensive network of over 300 domestic and international experts, professors and specialists in the science world.
Our films can be seen on PTS (Public TV Service) (Channel 13), ETTV (Channel 57), CTiTV (Channel 52), FTV (Channel XX), and BLTV (Channel 7). Our team is one of the top scientific film production teams in Taiwan, and is ready to step onto the international stage. TV Programs Most of our team members came from TV broadcasting industry. They are well versed in the modi operandi of a litany of TV programs, such as investigative reporting, arts and culture, entertainment, talk show, leisure and travel, and young adult and children's programs, mastering a wealth of production experience and unsurpassed in execution.
Documentary Film We search deep into the internal world of human beings, inside a man's world and have strong curiosity for his outward actions. We want to catch the special moments and express the essence, kindness, beauty and freshness of truth. We believe that is what a good documentary film should be.
Commercials Turning a spark into a firework is our specialty. Therefore, regardless the nature of the commercial: business, branding, image, charity,
public benefit or political campaigning, we have a creative think tank and outstanding professionalism. Introduction Video High quality production is our standard and belief, as well as credibility, on-time delivery, and strong work ethics.
We always treat the client's need as our top priority, profit second. We treat our client's introductory video like our own work. This attitude has earned us trust and recognition. TV Movie TV movie is the direction we are aspiring to: through literature, art, music, performance, and creativity, we will grow one moving story after another, producing one touching film after another. We have a dream, therefore, we exist ….